Yes, ammunition can go bad, but it takes a long time and could deteriorate for a number of reasons. Unlike food expiration dates, there is not a set number of months or years for ammo, it takes a very long time to degrade, and is affected by many factors.
Let’s explore some of the reasons ammo can degrade or go bad over time.
Ammunition going bad is a problem that can occur, especially when storing ammo for long periods of time in improper conditions.
Does Ammunition Go Bad with Improper Storage?
Though there are a number of reasons ammunition can go bad, the most common is improper storage. If ammunition is not stored in a cool, dry place, it can become damaged and unstable.
If ammunition is stored for too long, the powder can become clumped and will not burn properly, rendering the rounds ineffective.
This leads us to touch on one of the main components, the part of the ammo that degrades ammunition over time, and that is the propellant, the actual gunpowder.
If you’re new to guns and ammo, the propellant, also known as gunpowder, is what pushes the bullet out of the gun. It is very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity.
Over time, the gunpowder can break down and become less effective, causing your gun to be less accurate and in turn, have less power.
Does Ammunition Go Bad with Poor Manufacturing?
Another factor we haven’t mentioned is bad ammo due to poor manufacturing. Though this is a much less common reason, it can happen. If you suspect that your ammunition is of poor quality, you should contact the manufacturer.
How to tell if ammo is bad?
Smell it!
If you’re a gun owner, chances are you’ve got a box or two of ammunition sitting around. Maybe it’s left over from a hunting trip, or from when you last went to the range. Either way, it’s important to know how to tell if your ammo is bad. So as silly as it sounds, regularly smelling your ammo is a good idea, if the ammo smells bad, it’s probably bad.
That leads us to – –
What does bad ammo smell like?
When you open a can or box of ammo, the first thing you should notice is the smell. If it smells bad, then it probably is bad. Bad ammo will have a strong, acrid smell that will make your eyes water and your nose burn. It will smell like something is burning, and it will be very unpleasant. If you think the ammo might be bad, don’t use it as it could be very dangerous.
The best way to tell if ammo is bad, however, is to test it. The best way to test ammo is to fire it. If it doesn’t fire, or if it doesn’t fire correctly, it’s probably bad. For example, sometimes you’ll be at the range, and one of your rounds doesn’t fire. If this happens to you, remove the bullet and toss it in the dud bin, that’s usually found near your range master. It’s safer toss the round than try to fire it again, always remember, safety first!
If you shoot shotguns, you might be wondering —
Can shotgun ammo go bad?

While it’s possible for shotgun ammunition to go bad, it’s not very likely. If you’re concerned that your shotgun ammo might be bad, there are a few ways to test it.
First, check the expiration date on the box. If the ammo is past its expiration date, it’s probably not going to be very effective.
Second, inspect the shells for any visible signs of damage, such as dents, cracks, or corrosion. If the shells look damaged, they might not function properly.
Third, try loading a shell into your shotgun and firing it. If the shell doesn’t fire, or if it doesn’t sound right when it does, the ammo might be bad.
Finally, smell the shells. Just as we mentioned before, if they have a sour or musty smell, they might be bad. If your shotgun ammo is bad, there’s no need to worry. You can simply dispose of it and purchase new ammo.
There are a few ways to prolong the life of your ammunition and prevent it from going bad.
Does Ammunition Go Bad when Exposed to Extreme Temperature?
The most common reason ammo goes bad is it’s exposed to moisture or extreme temperatures. Again, heat can cause the propellant in ammunition to break down, rendering the rounds useless. Moisture can cause corrosion, which can lead to misfires or dangerous jams.
An important tip to remember, ammunition should always be stored in a cool, dry place.
If you live in an area with high humidity, you may need to take extra measures to keep your ammunition from going bad. You can buy desiccants to absorb moisture, special dehydrating packets, or use a dehumidifier to keep the air around your ammunition dry.
Also, keep in mind excess exposure to sunlight can cause the ammunition to degrade. The UV rays can break down the chemical components of the rounds, making them less effective.
If you’re going to store ammunition for a long period of time, it’s recommended to keep the rounds in their original manufacturer packaging in a dark, cool place.
If you suspect that your ammunition has gone bad, it’s best to err on the side of caution and dispose of it properly. The next time you find yourself at your local gun range or shooting club, bring the bad ammo with you and they will usually have a place to safely dispose of it.
If you’re not certain which shooting ranges to visit, we have a list of the best in different cities and states. You can read our posts on Best Shooting Ranges here.
Does Ammunition Go Bad with Salty Air?
Ammunition can definitely go bad faster in cities with salty air for a variety of reasons.
Salt is notorious for causing metal corrosion. This is seen by merely observing any light pole or car’s undercarriage in a major coastal city.
The salt can absorb moisture from the air, causing the ammunition to become damp and less effective, but it can also create weak spots in steel bullet casings which can lead to poor bullet performance. This is less common in standard brass bullet casings.
Finally, the salt can also interfere with the gunpowder, making it less likely to ignite and causing the gun to misfire.
Keeping all this in mind, that’s why it’s important to take measures to give your ammo the proper care and storage it requires because after all, it’s probably costing you a pretty penny to build up your supply.
Ways to Prevent Ammo from Going Bad
To prevent ammo from going bad and prematurely breaking down, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s best to keep it in a temperature-controlled area, that’s both cool and dry.
Another way to prevent ammunition from going bad is to keep it in an airtight container. This will help to keep moisture from getting to the ammunition and causing it to rust.
As we mentioned earlier desiccant packs are another great way to keep your ammunition from going bad. These packs help to absorb moisture from the air and keep it away from your ammunition. It’s also a good idea to keep a couple of these in your rifle cases, especially if you live in an area where it rains a lot or you’re in a hot humid region.
Now, let’s go back to the airtight tip real quick. Picture this, you’re standing in your kitchen with your food sealer, but instead of food in those food saver bags, you have ammo boxes! Now that’s a visual we’d bet you haven’t thought of before!
But seriously, you can absolutely use a vacuum sealer to keep your ammunition fresh. This will help to remove any air from the container that could cause the ammunition to degrade. And obviously, this is a method that should be used if you plan to store your ammo for long periods of time, not just a few months.
Proper storage is especially important for long-term storage of ammo, such as for emergency preparedness purposes.
Following these simple tips and suggestions will do wonders to help ensure that your ammo stays in good condition.
Remember, ammo can go bad for a number of reasons and the most common is simply exposure to the elements. Over time, moisture and heat can cause the powder and bullets degrade, making them less effective and even dangerous.
You can help to prevent this by storing your ammunition in a cool, dry place. A closet or cabinet in your home is usually sufficient. And if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, you may want to consider investing in a gun safe that’s also kept in a temperature-controlled area. So does ammo go bad? Yes, eventually it will go bad if left exposed to the elements or stored improperly. However, with proper care and storage, ammo can last for many years without any problems.