Concealed carry permits possess a critical safety component which makes it beneficial not just to individuals but to society as a whole. In many states, individuals have to undergo a firearm safety course before they could earn a CCW permit. This course helps people become responsible gun owners and better shooters.
In the US alone, the number of CCW permit holders as of 2021 is more than 21 million. This number is a 48 percent increase since 2016. Why the rise in the CCW permit holders? In this post, we’ll talk about the top reasons why people should obtain concealed carry licenses.
CCW license helps to hasten traffic stop questioning.
Having a concealed carry license will help hasten the process of questioning by the police officers. For example, if a police officer will ask you to pull over and he sees a gun in your vehicle. If you do not have your concealed carry license with you, the police officer will need to conduct a background check because he has to make sure that the person carrying a firearm or in his vehicle does not have a criminal history. The process of conducting a background check will take much longer than when you right away show your concealed carry license and driver’s license to the police officer.
CCW license is important when you need to open carry.
In the event that you need to open carry your firearm and a police officer sees it, you eliminate any apprehensions that the officer has once you show to him your concealed carry license. In other words, your concealed carry license will also serve as added protection against law enforcement personnel who may aggressively question your capability to open carry any firearm. The license will send a message to the police officers to “Stay calm. I’m not a criminal”.
CCW license makes educated gun owners.
Any individual wishing to obtain a CCW permit would have to go through some training regarding the proper use of firearms and basic laws pertaining to an individual’s right to carry a gun. Training for a CCW permit also includes a thorough discussion about using one’s weapon in defensive situations. This makes firearm owners become not just law-abiding citizens but also responsible users of guns.
CCW license offers a tactical advantage.
Open-carrying a firearm makes an individual the number one target for criminals. But, in dangerous situations carrying a concealed weapon will help you catch criminals off-guard. Even when a criminal perceives that somebody in his surroundings is carrying a weapon, he will not be able to easily identify you. When you suddenly unholster your gun into the open in order to stop a criminal, you have the element of surprise that is more likely to save you and other people’s lives.
CCW license deters violent crimes.
Studies reveal that states which required the issuance of concealed carry permits saw a decline in the number of violent crimes committed. This shows that CCW permits serve as a deterrent since criminals know that they can hardly attack armed individuals or risk getting themselves harmed as well. So, as more individuals obtain concealed carry licenses, the more criminals become reluctant at committing crimes against them.
CCW license helps protect your family.
Having a concealed carry license immediately makes an individual possess some level of capability to protect not just himself, but also the people he or she loves. A CCW permit will prove to be significant, especially when faced with situations wherein you need to protect yourself or your family. You have no idea when and where criminals may strike. So, carrying a concealed firearm will put you in a better protective stance.
CCW license provides immediate help.
In times of emergency, calling 911 and waiting for the police to arrive could take 10 minutes or more. This waiting time is critical, especially when you are in a life and death situation. Add in traffic congestion, your proximity to the location of the police, and the number of police officers that is present within the area where your emergency crisis occurs, and you have a situation that could escalate out of control. It is during these times that having your own licensed concealed carry firearm can put you in a better self-defense mode.
In the United States, it is legal to carry a concealed handgun in public in all 50 states, with the proper permitting. There are also many states that allow permitless carry. Every firearm owner is encouraged to uphold, promote and preserve the public safety standards for everyone’s welfare. Be sure to not only understand your rights but train yourself on proper gun safety techniques and concealed carry etiquette, which could lead to you saving someone else’s life.